🐠 一个人在家的时候看鱼,石头坚硬,水草松软。花朵发射光彩,星星则在别处降落。美丽!2+5=7
jb crouched in ruins
eric I don't remember when my head
was not a cold cloud storage
disconnecting with its ancient air
dampness and particulate
and I don't remember when the acid rain
did not fall back onto me
rusting away into such tortured poses
the last version of you
jb just me and my 1 patch of sun
I bask in it while it moves along
eric frantic running through dimly lit stairwell labyrinth of large industrial building(s) with cctvs in all corners and also dangling from the ceiling in the middle of paths, rooms and floors repurposed for exhibitions or art class or something benign and i just want to return to my pirate ship house boat which has probably been burned down already
eric octopus grotto found in tiny opening behind sinkhole skyscraper waterfall with single occupant, size unknown
eric aerosol moisture of a former pestilent shallow is pure
eric season change events are stored inside bone memory, lossy compression based on psychodynamic principles
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