eric picking up shells to use as bracing against what will tear us away
eric everything became various distant rattling sounds and colored lights/shapes, there is also nothing and nothing is more interesting
bun I fall asleep with a gum in my mouth, I woke up the gum is melting in my mouth. The melting gum made me think of when I just met u.
eric landfall into cloud ocean
🐰 Somehow managed to build this farm with u from a distant farm. Virtual living for once became so nice and comforting. Wish u a nice dream
eric 🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾
Bibu The plane to home landed on a vast rice field, paper board figures in the field guiding the plane where to land. Wide road
eric sometimes the sole resident of the dreamlands
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