eric massive la 厦门 megastructure with a house with garden inside an apartment unit inside completely bare concrete insides of entire building
xodyyyyyyyy how things change from a year to another, unbelievable
eric me too 🐇
liAooooo🐰 I can still be here with u🐭
eric experiencing every non-moment twice, one as it is at the time, one imagined into the future
eric every year is the year i stopped doing something and the year i started doing something else, the year i started doing something again, the year i stopped doing something else, a trifle of physicality momentarily filled me with molten lead in the middle of the crosswalk but every time that happens i think of how small everything is and how a long time is truly a tiny grain of sand that is actually a calcified little shell of a microscopic animal, how everything around us pushes us around, not like the current of a rushing stream, but the actuators of some mechanical gearing with disintegrating tolerances, how we should not have any respect towards these forces, and how true defiance is to dismiss its time scale altogether, and how to meet again is to destroy everything that pushes us around for a moment
廖宝🐭 中断的时间是在享受快乐。好多好多快乐,离开椅子就能收到!侧身就能收到!
eric skimming happiness off the top for later
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